When it comes to practicing good dental health there are a lot of myths out there. Here are some of the more erroneous rumors I’d like to set straight:
Losing your baby teeth to tooth decay is no big deal:
Sure, I understand the logic. People figure “They are going to fall out anyway, what’s the difference how it happens.” Well, there’s a big difference!
Decaying baby teeth can do lots of damage to the permanent teeth growing just below the surface. Decayed baby teeth can cause nasty abscesses and result in damage to the erupting permanent teeth in the form of discoloration/abnormal surface features. Premature loss of primary teeth can also result in spacing issues leading to crowding and the need to remove permanent teeth in the future.
Besides, it’s just a smart idea to get in the habit of good dental hygiene early in life.

The more sugar you eat, the more your teeth will decay:
Eating refined foods, especially white sugar is a health hazard, as we know. That being said, it doesn’t really matter how much sugar you eat (at least not for your teeth) but how much time the sugar spends around your teeth.
Food such as slow-dissolving candy and soda—not to mention energy drinks— are the big enemies.
But don’t think just because you’ve gone sugar free you’re safe.
Carbonated drinks can still erode tooth enamel. So the next time you reach for some candy or soda, consider brushing or chewing some sugar-free gum afterwards to wash away all that harmful sugar.
There are also controversial issues with regard to how the body reacts to artificial sweeteners (carbohydrate syndrome). Obesity is a significant problem today and artificial sweeteners and refined foods are a major concern.
(Above image via http://visual.ly/take-care-your-teeth-and-theyll-take-care-you)
Bad Oral Hygiene only Affects your Mouth:
Let’s say (hypothetically) you don’t care about preventing cavities, abscesses, gingivitis, crooked teeth, and any other manner of horror that can affect your mouth through bad oral hygiene (highly unlikely!). What about the other health effects?
When you neglect oral health you swallow more bacteria that forces its way into your bloodstream and can adversely affect your overall health, particularly in people with cardiac problems and diabetes.
Remember this the next time you’re about to say you don’t have time to brush.
There are plenty more myths that need busting. Feel free to read more here.
Do you have any dental myths that need debunking?
Did any of these surprise you?
Let me know in our comments section or @FreemanOrtho.